General Rules

  1. Students shall address all staff and adults as "Sir"or "Ma'am" and other students by first or last name. No nicknames or aka's used towards other students.
  2. Students must always have their hands behind their backs and no talking during bathroom breaks, in the hallway, and when changing classes unless being addressed by staff. Female students must always be lined up behind the male students when changing classes, etc. Female and male students are separated into their own single file lines during bathroom breaks.
  3. Once students enter into their assigned classes, students will go to their seats quietly, stand behind their seats and wait for instructions to be seated. Students shall raise their hands when needing the attention of the teachers or other staff members. Students shall complete all class assignments to the best of their ability.
  4. Students shall treat all staff members and classmates with respect at all times. Disrespect shall not be tolerated.
  5. Students shall obey all lawful orders from staff quickly and willingly. Disobedience or defiance shall not be tolerated.
  6. All students are required to dress appropriately. Students will be provided a gray shirt. Students must come with long pants with loops and a belts. All shirts will be tucked inside pants; pants must be pulled up around waist. Belts are required. If not dressed appropriately, students will be warned. Repeated violation of dress code will result in a sanction. Sneakers are required.
  7. Students shall not enter or leave any area without staff escort, and must always remain in sight of staff member.
  8. Students shall not lay their heads on desks or sleep in class.
  9. Students arriving for school, will line up outside under the supervision of staff. Male students shall stand in a single file line and female students shall stand in a single file line across from males unless otherwise instructed.
  10. Students shall be prepared to be wanded and searched every morning and at random during the school day.
  11. Violations of rules shall result in a student receiving a sanction. A sanction may begin with a verbal warning, written referral, consequence days or be taken into custody for Violation of Probation or Conditional Release.
  12. Students shall not touch each other or horseplay at any time fighting and/or battery on each other and/or staff shall result in a student being immediately arrested.
  13. Students that are attending other schools and have been ordered to attend the Consequence Unit are required to bring their schoolwork from their assigned schools. If work is not brought with the student, they will be required to complete the given assignment at the Eugene Gregory Memorial Youth Academy/Seminole County Public School program.
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